On the occasion of the SMART UK Annual Conference 28th September 2005, Her Majesty was interested to learn that the members of your organisation are Substance Misuse Workers from HM Prison Services, NHS Agencies, Mental Health Agencies, Community Alcohol and Drug Teams and other charities across the United Kingdom and sends her best wishes to all those present for another successful and enjoyable gathering.
Sending the greatest admiration for the real difference you are making every day.
In this sometimes selfish and uncaring world, SMART members are like gold dust, rare and priceless. Please keep up your invaluable work, society needs you more than ever.
To all workers, who try to help others with their time, advice, efforts, encouragment or sometimes just a hug.
Our society needs all of you so very desperately. Jesus once said “whatever you do to the least of these, its like you have done unto me”. I want to encourage you with this last sentence because God knows and sees everything, nothing goes unnoticed.
May God bless you all for your efforts.
As human beings, we sometimes need other human beings to help us – you are those other human beings – your job is not easy – you have my admiration.
Remember the plusses and focus on the Successes
With Admiration
Dame Judi Dench
There have been times where all of us have felt that what we do is not going so well and that we forget why it is that we do what we do.
In sport this is part of the discipline of learning to cope with the downs as well as the ups – and we all know that the ups take care of themselves. However, failure in sport is no more than that and there is a realisation that as long as one has done one’s best at least one’s own self-esteem can remain intact. No one else gets hurt!
For all of you involved in one way or other at SMART there is more at stake and that feeling of vocation that inspired you to do what you do and that will to help that keeps you going must both stay intact for the real benefit of others.
It’s worth it and those of us who probably have little comprehension of just how tough it is and just what is involved would like to wish you well.
All the best.
Keep up the good work!
I don’t know how you do it. You are the Salt of the Earth and the bedrock of society.